Why Giving Up My Phone Was The BEST Decision I Ever Made


When you look around today it is common to see the top of everyone's head. Most people use their phones everyday, and some use it all day. But, this excessive cell phone usage can be a killer. Our phones entail so many applications and websites that it is easy to get caught up and stay there. We can watch movies and TV shows on our phones, we can watch tutorials on YouTube, and most importantly, we can connect with others through our social media platforms. The rise of cell phones have allowed us to connect with others easily, but are we really connected? We have people all around us, yet we choose to put our heads down in our phones and ignore the people who love us.

Recently, I went on a fast and I cut out my phone. I shut my phone off for 4 days, and it was the best thing I have done in a long time. I did not realize how much I been missing out on. Since I been on this fast, I have reduced my cell phone usage significantly, and I cannot be any happier! Below, I will list the reasons why cutting out your phone can be beneficial.

You will feel HAPPIER.

Studies have shown that more screen time can lead to more symptoms of depression. Excessively using your phone takes away from social interaction, which is something that all humans need. The more you interact with others, the better you will feel. So please, put your phone down!

You will make better connections with people.

Our phones tend to distract us from making real conversations. Today, most people think that having a conversation through text counts as a real conversation, but it does not. You are not able to read facial expressions or hear the tone of voice. Staying off your phone allows you to truly connect with a person without any distractions.

You will be less stressed.

I think its safe to say that most people are addicted to their phones. People tend to check their phones every 10 minutes or less. Whether we know it or not, that causes high levels of stress. Leaving your phone off and putting it away allows you to slow down, and not feel so overwhelmed.

You will learn to appreciate what and who is around you.

Logging into social media on a daily basis is common for most people. Some people even use social media as a place to vent or advertise their business, which is okay. But, the problem starts when we begin to compare ourselves to other people on the media. Looking at someone's happy engagement pictures, or looking at their vacation on Snapchat can sometimes make us feel like we are not doing enough or we do not have a good life. And that is NOT TRUE! Since I unplugged from my phone, I was not able to see what anyone else was doing, so I was embracing what I do and have. And come to find out, I have an amazing life and amazing people all around me. I just had to get rid of my phone to see it.

You will have more confidence

Most people on social media tend to post their best moments and their best selfies. Everyone tries to make their life look perfect and like there is nothing wrong, but we don't know what is going on behind those pictures. It is easy to log into Instagram and look at the models with the perfect figures, and feel insecure later. We as humans tend to compare ourselves to others, but sometimes these comparisons are not realistic. To be honest, most of those models and celebrities have low self-esteem, so they go under the knife in order to attain a perfect, hour-glass figure. Staying off your phone is a great way to avoid this problem.

I know that our phones are important to us. It allows us to connect with loved ones who live far away and maintain distanced friendships. Cell phones have a great purpose, but sometimes we abuse them. Constantly using your phone distracts you from reality, and eventually you will start to live in a virtual world. Today, I challenge you to shut your phone off for a few days, and see how much better you feel. Always remember, there is so much more to life than a screen, enjoy it while its here!

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